Thursday, November 28, 2019
Monday, November 25, 2019
Worms Cathedral essays
Worms Cathedral essays I researched the Worms Cathedral due to its extraordinary beauty and history. The building has a story that dates as far back as to the 4th-5th Century. The Cathedral was built approximately 100 meters above sea level; this was to keep the building safe from the Rhine floods. The Romans built an administration centre and a temple area on the hill. At this location was the centre of a provincial town, expanding an area of a square kilometer. In 401 the decrease in the Roman Empire also affected Worms, the Roman garrison troops retreated. Twelve years later the Burgundians colonized Worms. Coming from the Baltic Sea they wandered toward the South and were settled in Worms by the Romans with the assignment of securing the borders of the Roman Empire in their settling area. However, after repeating trying in the following 20 years to cast off the Roman supremacy they were beat in a battle by the Romans in 435. One year later the Huns invaded the Rhine plain and destroyed the largest part of the Burgundian people, the rest had to resettle near Lake Geneva. In 600, the Frank Empire of the Merovingians had fallen into three parts: Worms belonged to Austria with Metz as the capital. Furthermore there were Neustria with Paris as the capital and Burgundy with Orleans. A short time after the rules of Austrasia and Neusia had married two sisters, daughters of the Visigothic king, a murderous family war broke out mainly initiated by Neustria. Victims were both kings and one of the sisters. The surviving Austasian kings widow Brunichildis resided in Worms till 600. She must have been an extraordinary and impressive personality. She succeeded in obtaining the regency for her still minor son and asserted herself for a while in a mans world full of barbarism and cruelty-until the descendants f her dead Neustrian brother-in-law managed to take her prisoner and execute her in a dreadful way in 613. ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Public University Funding Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Public University Funding - Assignment Example There is problem in acquiring funds from private entities/foundations such as 'auxiliaries' that are affiliated to these public universities. The problem does not arise from acquiring funds. The problem arises when such 'auxiliaries' affiliated to the universities are not legally bound to disclose where they get funds from and are also exempt from any disclosure of their accounts. Such anomaly can lead to grave consequences for the universities. Instances have been quoted where certain 'auxiliaries' have not been as forthcoming as they were expected to be. A foundation affiliated with Sonoma State University lent money to a former member of its board. They then got stuck with a bill when he could not pay the money back. And a former chancellor of San Francisco City College has been indicted on charges that include allegedly diverting money from a foundation account to pay for a club membership, liquor and other expenses (Instructions). These malpractices cannot be allowed to go unchecked just because Californian Public Records Act does not cover foundations. There is a gap in the law if such malpractices are allowed to occur with impunity. The current financial scenario is fraught with ignoble implications and any gap in the legal process could even mean playing into the hands of terrorists. Californian Senator Leland Yee's legislative bill SB-218 deserves "swift and overwhelming approval" by the legislature. The bill will ensure transparency and accountability. In order that honest and bona fide "auxiliaries' are not discouraged from fund raising on the university's behalf, SB-218 has a provision for such donors to remain anonymous (Senate Judiciary Committee). There are legitimate and principled ways of raising funds. Sometimes it is easier to raise funds than disburse them. Universities must be as careful in their disbursements as they are when raising funds. Conclusion Accountability and transparency in financial affairs promote goodwill and developmental activities. People in general and donors in particular want to see funds utilized judiciously and donate in greater measure when funds are invested honestly and purposefully. Besides, universities are noble institutions and are expected to uphold exemplary standards of funds utility. Source: Instructions, Order No. 316961, Senate Judiciary C
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Long Distance Relationships Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Long Distance Relationships - Essay Example These days, there are video conferencing capabilities, cell phones, chats and even letters or text messages that aid in keeping long destine relationships in motion. However, they do have their challenges and these shall be seen below. (Voost, 2007) Long distance relationships have numerous complications. The validity of this statement will be examined in the research conducted below. Numerous scholars have examined the reasons long distance relationships or the causative factors. This forms a vital discussion in most long distance relationship debates. Some People decide to choose partners located in a totally different part of the world because they feel that one should not restrict their sample space to their own country. Such people feel that life long partners are hard to find and that it takes a lot of exploration before one can finally find the 'man or woman of their dreams'. Consequently, individuals should examine all the possibilities out there, even if it means surpassing certain geographical boundaries to find that special someone. Persons may choose long distance relationships because they want to focus on the emotional aspect of a relationship rather than the physical. Adherents to this principle believe that long distance relationships do not provide individuals with the choice of having physical intimacy so in order to keep the relationship alive; partners need to connect on a deeper emotional level than they would if they were in proximal relationships. Consequently, partners are required to look for other attractive aspects within their partners other than the physical. Adherents to this belief continue to add that most of the reasons why proximal relationships fail are that partners may be too distracted by physical intimacies that they fail to relate emotionally. The corporate world is becoming increasingly demanding. Most people these days have very little time left for themselves. This means that they have to deny themselves social lives. But because having a partner is important for any person's needs. Then such people end up looking for a long distance partner. They feel that proximal or conventional relationships require too much input in terms of time and they feel that this will prevent them from concentrating on their work. Such people do not feel the need to keep seeing someone on daily basis as this interferes with their daily routine. (Guldner, 2007) Psychologists say that some people have the inability to remain alone. Such people are the victims of a change in circumstance. For example, when one partner receives a job posting in another continent and the other partner chooses to stay in his home country, then the relationship gets transformed from a proximal to along distance one. But because certain individuals may have the fear of looking for another partner or they may have great attachments, then they may decide to maintain a long distance relationship. On the other hand, others are deeply loyal and even if their partners have made the choice to live miles away, they still feel obliged to stay with them through initiating a long distance relationship. Other analysts -who are rather skeptical- say that some individuals choose long distance relationships to hide certain physical defects. They feel that if a person gets the chance of knowing their personality first before seeing their
Monday, November 18, 2019
The Hero with a Thousand Faces Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
The Hero with a Thousand Faces - Essay Example As per Campbell’s Monomyth, the journey of a hero is confined to a sequence of actions that includes three main stages, namely, - Departure, Initiation and Return. From these sequences, we could get a better idea about the phases that a hero undergoes and how his life would probably get transformed with each phase. Now let’s take a stance to discuss about two real life personalities, Daniel Suelo, the protagonist of the book The Man Who Quit Money and Abdulrahman Zeitoun, the primary character of the book Zeitoun. Could they be considered as a hero, on the schema of Campbell’s Monomyth? Let’s analyze this question further ahead to sort out the possibilities of these two characters to be claimed as a hero. Dave Eggers, in his book, Zeitoun portrays the life of Abdulrahman Zeitoun as a simple and loving man who lives in New Orleans with his family. However, the arrival of Hurricane Katrina collapses the lives of the people residing in the coastal regions in New Orleans. With his small canoe, Zeitoun aids his neighbors by rescuing them and even their animals, and also make arrangements to provide food, water and other essentials to the needy. Soon after the hurricane, abrupt changes encounter his life. He was fallaciously arrested by the police officials on account of suspicion for withholding possessions. During his incarceration, the torments he faced at the hands of the police were merely intolerable. He was treated inhumanely mainly on the basis of his ethnicity. Finally, he was released after the authorities understood his innocence. When the life of Zeitoun is focused, it conforms well to the Campbell’s notion of a hero. He lives in an ordinary world, with his wife and four children, holding his own business in the New Orleans. The departure phase of his journey is started with the onset of hurricane. He set forth his way crossing the threshold to face various challenges, which included imprisonment and eventually he returned back to his community. At the start, the call for adventure arrives for him in the form of a destructive hurricane that hit the coast. The awakening call for him was the natural calamity which gave him the arousal and pushed him to aid the needy people during the hurricane. It brought out the kindness and the generosity in him, and made him to deliver to his people and help them in the times of need. As a hero, he went forth on his own volition to accomplish the adventure. (Campbell 48). In his initiation stage of journey, he is destined to face various trials that reveal the true ch aracter within him. As Campbell states, â€Å"The composite hero of the monomyth is a personage of exceptional gifts. Frequently he is honored by his society, frequently unrecognized or disdained†(Campbell 29). These quotes aptly fit to the life of Zeitoun. Being hailed as a rescuer by his community people during the hurricane, soon after, he was imprisoned wrongly by the officials of the state and made to undergo intolerable trials. It was during his incarceration that he has to withstand all his emotional as well as physical temptations in order to endure the suffering. He was detained in a Greyhound bus stand on the suspicion of him being a terrorist, which was primarily due to his ethnicity or religion. During the imprisonment, he was denied medical aids and was even prevented from informing his family about his imprisonment.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Addition to Pain Medication: Causes, Effects and Treatments
Addition to Pain Medication: Causes, Effects and Treatments Pain Medication Addictions Angelia Holland People are going to the doctor when they are nothing wrong with them to get a prescription for pain pills. People are getting more and more addicted to prescription pain pills. When doctors do not prescribe them a prescription because they suspect that are abusing the pills, then they will buy them for someone. These pills will not stop when they have an addiction sometime they abuse it so bad that they overdose because they mix pills together and do not know the outcome will be. However, pain pills misuse is a common thing now then it was in the past. No one decides to get addicted to prescription pain pills. Alienating family and friends, failing at work, and launching a small-time criminal career arent what anyone plans on when they swallow their first pain pill. One in five Americans report misusing a prescription drug at least once in their lifetime, but the overwhelming majority put the pills away with no lasting harm. So how does prescription painkiller abuse progress to full-blown opioid addiction? It typically starts with a visit to the doctor for a backache or to dull pain after surgery, an accident or a sports injury. It ends with addiction. Misuse of prescription painkillers is on the rise, and experts say increasingly, its killing us (Shamus, 2013). Healthcare providers have long wrestled with how best to treat patients who suffer from chronic pain, roughly 116 million in this country. No special training, skill, effort or techniques are required for pain management when using narcotic painkillers. You simply take a pill and soon afterward, the pain you were feeling is reduced or eliminated. The fact that these painkillers work well with little effort makes them the first choice for pain management for many people. Rather than exploring other ways of managing pain, which take effort and may not eliminate pain to the same extent as the painkillers, people reach for the pill bottle each time pain relief is required. The ease of use and effectiveness it brings may lead some to reach for the drugs more often than is safe or necessary. While it may not be the first reason that people take such painkillers, most notice that while they are under the influence of these drugs, they are distanced from their emotional pain. Painful emotions are a part of everyday life for all of us, but often we can manage these feelings on our own or with professional help, such as counseling. However, people in physical pain have often suffered emotional trauma and are more vulnerable to the attractions of a pill that just makes it all go away. Over time, people come to depend on their prescription painkillers to manage their negative emotions. Painkillers can be pleasurable. Opioids, in particular, have a side effect of euphoria. This is similar to the pleasure felt when you have been successful or after intense physical excitement, but it requires no such effort to attain. As people who are in pain have typically suffered an unpleasant experience that caused the pain, the pleasurable effects of these painkillers can seem like a delightful surprise. Seeking repeated experiences of pleasure through the addictive behavior or substance is one of the hallmarks of addiction. People with physical pain are often very tense. Because many painkillers, such as Demerol, induce physical relaxation, they can provide welcome relief from tension while under the influence. After a while, people can come to rely on painkillers that have this effect to provide relief from tension and the added pain that tension causes. Tolerance builds up quickly. Opioids can quickly cause tolerance to occur. As a result, people who regularly take these painkillers find that they need to take higher and higher dosages of the drug they are on in order to get the same effect. In addition to physical tolerance, people develop psychological tolerance as they become desensitized to the effects of the drug. Tolerance is one of the key signs that addiction is developing. Often, people who are becoming addicted to narcotic painkillers believe they need more of the drug because their pain is getting worse. But the worsening is often a result of the painkiller use itself. The ups and downs of a developing addiction because physical behaviors such as overuse of an injured part of the body, poor posture resulting from a lack of sensation when in positions that would otherwise be uncomfortable, and a lack of moderate exercise that would otherwise strengthen the weakened area (Hartney, 2011). Instead of correcting these bad habits, the person will often just take more painkillers, creating a vicious cycle of physical neglect being concealed by the effects of the drugs. As people become addicted to painkillers, they experience withdrawal when the drug wears off. Withdrawal is very unpleasant, and it often feels like an intensifying of the very symptoms the person was trying to escape through taking the painkillers. Pain, digestive problems and feelings of being generally unwell are common. As soon as the drug is taken, the unpleasant withdrawal symptoms disappear, and the person feels relieved of pain, relaxed, and free of tension and emotional distress. Over time, the person will choose to manage withdrawal symptoms through regularly taking more painkillers, sometimes without even realizing the withdrawal symptoms are caused by the drug itself (Hartney, 2011). The physical signs of addiction. Many times, painkiller addicts do not recognize the signs of their addiction until their behavior is pointed out to them. Painkillers can cause slurred speech and depression that they often attribute to other causes. Other physical symptoms of painkiller addiction include the inability to concentrate, lack of coordination and dizziness. Health care providers often recognize the symptoms because of declining blood pressure levels and slow, labored breathing. Narcotic painkillers also produce constipation. In addition to the obvious physical signs that result in unusual behavior, people who are addicted to painkillers begin to exhibit other behaviors inconsistent with their usual habits. Students often begin to find more reasons to stay home from school and start to receive falling grades. Lethargy and reduced energy levels are very common to painkiller addicts and are especially notable when they were previously considered active and enjoyed physical activities. Appearance becomes less important to addicts, and they may begin to have money troubles that lead them to ask for loans and get behind in their bills. As a painkiller addict withdraws from the drugs, the signs of addiction become more apparent. The National Institutes of Health reports that withdrawal from opioid painkillers brings on bone aches, chills, insomnia, diarrhea and vomiting. Involuntary leg movements, restlessness and muscle pain also may be present. People withdrawing from painkillers should be medically supervised during the first few days of treatment because the symptoms can be life threatening. Withdrawal from sedatives and tranquilizers can cause convulsions. Before taking pain medications, do your research Miotto of WebMD explains: â€Å"Weigh Your Risk Factors A history of addiction to prescription medicine or illicit drugs. Addiction to alcohol or tobacco. Family history of addiction. A history of mood disorders (such as depression or bipolar disorder), anxiety disorders (including PTSD), thought disorders (such as schizophrenia), and personality disorders (such as borderline personality disorder). Look at Other Options Physical therapy. Working with a psychologist to learn how to change your pain-related thoughts and behaviors. Alternative approaches such as acupuncture and tai chi. Those methods arent just for people who are at high risk for addiction. Theyre part of an overall pain management strategy that may include, but is not limited to, medications. Use the Medication for Its Proper Purpose If your doctor writes you a prescription that makes your pain more tolerable, and youre using it as directed, thats OK. But if youre using it for some other reason that your doctor doesnt know about, thats a red flag. For example, if you hate your job and youre taking the drug because you find it takes the edge off, thats a sign that you could develop a problem, says Karen Miotto, MD, an addiction psychiatrist at UCLA. Here are four warning signs that you may be misusing your prescription painkiller: Youre not taking the drug as prescribed. Youre taking the medicine for reasons other than why the doctor prescribed it. Your use of the drug has made you miss work or school, neglect your children, or suffer other harmful consequences. You havent been honest (with your doctor, loved ones, or yourself) about your use of the drug. Your doctor should work with you to limit addiction risk. She may ask you about how youre doing, give you a urine test to check for medication, and ask you to bring in all your medications so she can check how many are left and where the prescriptions came from. â€Å"If you feel like youre losing control over your pain medicine use, or if you have questions about whether youre becoming addicted to it, you may want to consult a doctor who specializes in pain medicine. He or she should listen to your concerns without judgment and take a reasoned approach. For instance, if she thinks you need to get off a certain drug, she might look into switching you to another drug with less potential for misuse. If your doctor isnt comfortable handling your situation, consider getting a second opinion from a psychiatrist or addiction specialist,†Miotto says. Pain-relieving drugs can lead to problems other than addiction. Keep opiates locked away so kids, teens, and others in your home cant take them. And be extra-cautious using other prescription and over-the-counter drugs along with opiates. Certain combinations could cause you to become unconscious, stop breathing, and even die (Miotto, 2012). Thousands of Americans rely on prescription painkillers for the relief of pain and discomfort from ailments such as headaches, menstrual cramps, surgery recovery or lingering pain from an injury. Unfortunately however, for many, this reliance on medication can easily and unknowingly turn into physical dependence. The scary fact is that the most commonly prescribed drugs including OxyContin, Vicodin, Methadone, Darvocet, Lortab, Lorcet and Percocet, while offering relief from pain, can also cause individuals bodies to start needing the drugs in order to feel normal, and the result is the new, even more challenging situation of chemical dependency Prescriptions to pain medication can be safe when taken according to the doctors instructions and are carefully monitored. However, it is important to recognize that they can also be very dangerous. Remember that dependency is a disease that can exhibit itself to even the most cautious individual. Therefore, anyone who is prescribed pain medications should take extra precautions to avoid the debilitating effects a dependency can have and watch for the warning signs (Bernstein, 2013) Celeste Vaughan states it correctly when she describes addiction, â€Å"When addiction takes control, Satan has a wide-open gate to enter and set up residence in your brain. He is the great justifier of all actions. He will provide you with excuses for the actions above to make you deny your addiction. The thoughts that you used to control now have a new pilot behind the wheel. And a sneaky one at that. If you do consider getting help, he will get inside your head and tell you all kinds of horrible things. Thinks like†¦No one will understand. Everyone will thing you’re weak. Friends will ever trust you again. Your husband will want a divorce. Your kids will be ashamed of you. And the worst one of all†¦If God truly loves you, he wouldn’t have let you get into this mess in the first place†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. You are on a journey  possibly the most difficult of your life. Don’t let anyone tell you that addiction is impossible to overcome. I’m p roof it’s completely possible. After all, with God, all things are possible.†The disease of addiction affects over 23 million Americans. It is a disease that has no cure, and that, as a society, we have just begun to understand. Help fight the stigma that an addict faces by learning all you can about this disease and its affects. The physical aspects of opioid dependency improve after detox. But psychological addiction, temptation, and craving can last for years, even a lifetime. The truth is, most people will relapse on their way to full recovery from prescription drug addiction (Johnson, 2012). Staying on the path to health takes patience, loving relationships, and emotional resilience. People in drug abuse recovery need all the help they can get. Fortunately, tools and resources are available to help someone stay straight, and to pick them up if they stumble. â€Å"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.†(James 1:2-4 NIV) References Clifford M.D., of The Waismann Institute. 10/6/2003. Retrieved from Hartney, Elizabeth PhD. February 20, 2011. Retrieved from Johnson, Kimball, MD. August 02, 2012. Maintaining Hope and Health during Drug Abuse Recovery. Retrieved from Miotto, Karen, MD, professor of psychiatry and bio behavioral sciences, UCLA.. 2012. Pain Medication: Are You Addicted? What to know about becoming addicted to pain medications. Retrieved from Shamus, Kristen Jordan. October 20, 2013. Pain pills can be prescriptions for addiction, death. Retrieved from Vaughan, Celeste. November 5, 2012. Biblical Christian help for drug addiction. Retrieved from
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
MacDonald Essay -- Business, Protective Tariffs Policy
Although they represented differed political parties, Sir John A. MacDonald and Sir Wilfred Laurier pursued the same goals while in office. MacDonald recognized Canada's need for protective tariffs on exported goods, the need of settlement in the west, and the need for a railway to unify the nation. MacDonald immediately implemented protectionism and the establishment of a railway. On the other hand, Laurier took these goals and expanded on them. John A. MacDonald outlined the goals of Canada in the National Policy and these goals were accomplished in the period of the Laurier Boom. The first goal of MacDonald's National Policy was the establishment of protective tariffs on goods. Although formerly a supporter of free trade, MacDonald decided that the current circumstances were favorable to protectionism (Stevenson, 194). His advocacy for protective tariffs had great impact on Canadians, so much that the nation voted MacDonald into office in 1878. For the next eighteen years after the establishment of the National Policy, the Liberals held to a rigid free trade philosophy and â€Å"directed its main attack upon the tariff system and the anti-protectionist case came to enjoy wide acceptance†(194). When MacDonald first implemented protectionism, Laurier, like many other liberals, was against the idea. However, once in power, Laurier was prompted by British preference to maintain the policy of high protection (194). However, the tariff issue was banished once the boom took flight as Canada's export markets were thriving. The country experienced great prosp erity, rapid development as well as expansion, especially for the railways (194). Once the country's prosperity began to slow down, farmers of the west that were â€Å"the chief sufferer... ...s National Policy and Wilfred Laurier accomplished it in his time in office, the period known as the Laurier Boom. This goes to show that the different political parties do not vary so much in their ideas, but more so in the ways of which they execute them. These two men exemplify their political parties; although both parties are equally motivated, when executing their practices, conservatives tend to be more laid back and behind the scenes and liberals are more diligent and in the forefront. For example, MacDonald came up with and outlined the policy, and Laurier took the policy into application. Although their approaches are different, the ideas and actions of these two men together are the reason for the development of Canada as a nation. Therefore, with this in mind, both the Laurier government and the MacDonald government created the nation of Canada.
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